Ileal Pouch Registry
The ileal pouch operation or restorative proctocolectomy to give it its medical name, was introduced in the 1970s by Sir Alan Parks and has transformed the lives of countless patients worldwide with bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP).
Before that time patients requiring surgery for these conditions usually required a permanent ileostomy. Restorative proctocolectomy avoided this by removing the diseased bowel down to, but not including, the sphincter muscle (the muscle which enables you to maintain bowel control).
A pouch was then formed out of small bowel to create a new rectum and this was internally connected to the anus.
Restorative proctocolectomy is a complex and specialist operation that requires experience to perform to a high standard. The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland first initiated a register of ileal pouch operations in 2005.
This was re-launched in 2010 to record the outcomes of such complex surgery such as the formation of an ileoanal pouch, although submission of surgical data by surgeons is on a voluntary basis. The 2017 Pouch Report includes data on over 5,000 patients who have had pouch surgery under the care of around 150 surgeons.
With around 400 new pouch surgeries being performed annually, the Registry becomes an important reference for patients wishing to learn more about surgical outcomes and success rates. In addition to the ability to speak to someone living with an ileoanal pouch, patients are more empowered to make an informed decision when choosing the best option for their lifestyle preference.
If you would like to speak with someone living with an ileoanal pouch, contact IA via our contact page and we can put you in touch. Alternatively visit I’d like to speak to someone and we can put you in touch.